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Prehliadka po zime. Skontrolujte si svoje auto!

Blog > Prehliadka po zime. Skontrolujte si svoje auto!


Jarná akcia na nákup autodielov v našom eshope -10% zadaj v košíku kód "jar10" a zľava sa odpočíta. 

Jarná prehliadka by mala byť samozrejmosťou pre každého motoristu, ktorému záleží na dobrom technickom stave jeho vozidla. Počas zimy si auto veľa vytrpelo,
spomeňme napríklad soľné posypy, silné mrazy a množstvo výtlkov.

Prehliadka by mala zahŕňať kontrolu podvozku, geometrie, tlmičov, stavu pneumatík a diskov, bŕzd, akumulátora, ostrekovačov, osvetlenia, chladiacej sústavy. Tieto partie v zime trpeli najviac a ich preverenie bez špeciálnych prístrojov nie je možné. Jarná prehliadka je preventívnou kontrolou vozidla. 

Podvozok – spodné partie auta sú zanesené od posypov na zimných cestách. Podvozok treba odsoliť, rizikovými miestami sú najmä podbehy, kde sa soľ usádza najviac. Ideálne je celý podvozok opláchnuť vysokým tlakom vody, prípadne použiť prípravky na čistenie
Skontrolované musia byť aj diely podvozku ako predné ramená, nosné čapy, čapy riadenia, tyčky riadenia, silenbloky, tyčky stabilizačné a iné dôležité časti nápravy.

Tlmiče – tým dali najviac zabrať výtlky na vozovkách. Tlmiče sa dajú zmerať na špeciálnom prístroji v lepších servisoch (okrem prejavov búchania pripadne nestability auta). Tam Vám presne povedia v akom stave máte tlmiče. Pri kontrole tlmičov netreba zabudnúť skontrolovať horné uloženie tlmiča a pružiny aspoň vizuálne či nieje niekde prasknutá.

Svetlá a ich nastavenie  
– tento úkon odporúčame nechať na odborníkov, majú na to špeciálne prístroje, ktorými svetlomety presne nastavia. Prípadne na každej STK kontrole Vám to vedia nastaviť. Taktiež časom svetlomety žltnú a strácajú žiarivosť. Na tento problém odporúčame sadu na renováciu svetlometov, ktorá zaručene pomôže s týmto problémom.
Stierače a ostrekovače – dobre zotreté sklo je tiež veľmi dôležitým prvkom bezpečnosti. Ideálne je meniť stierače 2x do roka a to hlavne po zime. Netreba zabúdať na dolievanie vody do ostrekovačov určených pre letnú sezónu.  

Brzdová sústava – Nie je na škodu vyčistiť brzdové kotúče, doštičky a skontrolovať aj tesnosť celého brzdového systému. Dôležité je tiež preveriť symetriu a účinnosť bŕzd.

Batéria – silné mrazy dokážu akumulátor vyčerpať, pri silných mrazoch sa dokáže kapacita znížiť až o polovicu. Nechajte batériu poriadne nabiť a očistiť póly od oxidačných nánosov. S našimi nabíjačkami od výrobcu BOSCH máte batériu rýchlo dobitú. 

Prevádzkové kvapaliny - netreba zabúdať ani na kontrolu motorového oleja, servo oleja, chladiacej kvapaliny. Prevádzkové kvapaliny prípadne doliať.

Klimatizácia - už o pár týždňov bude klimatizácia v plnom zaťažení. Znečistený systém klimatizácie môže mať neblahé účinky na zdravie, preto je dôležité venovať aj klimatizácii patričnú pozornosť. Odporúčame zakúpiť čistič klimatizácie  ktorý dodá Vašej klimatizácií sviežosť. Taktiež odporúčame skontrolovať a prípadne doplniť náplň klimatizácie vo Vašom servise.

Ak by ste niečo nevedeli nájsť prípadne overiť vhodnosť použitia dielu, môžete sa obrátiť na nášich školených operátorov buď cez email, pomocou online chatu v pravom dolnom rohu alebo telefonicky 0901 711 706. Tešíme sa na spoluprácu.

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Komentáre (402)

  • slovaGlowl

    28.09.2020 16:21

    post and description TikTok is an application that has tik tok followers free replaced - in 2017, was bought for a billion dollars by the owner of TikTok, the Chinese company Bytedance. ... TikTok can be described as a combination of Snapchat and Spotify. Users create unexpected recordings mixed in imitation of well-liked music. According to the tik tok free fans 2020 lawsuit, TikTok likes free is to sum up data that can be used to identify, profile and track users in the allied States. The Chinese company ByteDance, which owns the application, which is popular especially among teenagers, would plus from these activities, because the obtained data can be used, in the course of others, for digital advertising targeting purposes. CNet prickly out that the suit against TikTok is complementary change adjoining this application, which has already been downloaded higher than 1.5 billion era worldwide (data from November 2019). The application is then inborn watched by the US military, which is to audit it in terms of feasible threats to US national security. Is Tik Tok a spy app? This is what the hackers of the Anonymous activity say. ... Anonymous claims that free tik tok coins TikTok is essentially malware later the primary task of collecting throb user information and passing it upon to Chinese everyday services. TikTok has not still addressed the tik tok hack 2020 allegations made by no human Anonymous. He before expressed his own doubts nearly the security of the Chinese application, accompanied by others the US government, which banned US troops from using TikTok for startle of confidentiality. KW: How To Get Free Coins On TIK TOK SEPTEMBER 2020 TIKTOK Followers And Like Hack SEPTEMBER 2020
  • slovaGlowl

    28.09.2020 16:19

    tik tok cheats 2020 TikTok is an application that has tik tok followers free replaced - in 2017, was bought for a billion dollars by the owner of TikTok, the Chinese company Bytedance. ... TikTok can be described as a combination of Snapchat and Spotify. Users create short recordings dirty behind well-liked music. According to the tik tok free fans 2020 lawsuit, TikTok likes free is to combine data that can be used to identify, profile and track users in the associated States. The Chinese company ByteDance, which owns the application, which is well-liked especially in the middle of teenagers, would pro from these activities, because the obtained data can be used, among others, for digital advertising targeting purposes. CNet prickly out that the battle adjacent to TikTok is option have an effect on adjacent to this application, which has already been downloaded more than 1.5 billion times worldwide (data from November 2019). The application is in addition to monster watched by the US military, which is to audit it in terms of realizable threats to US national security. Is Tik Tok a spy app? This is what the hackers of the Anonymous help say. ... Anonymous claims that free tik tok coins TikTok is essentially malware once the primary task of collecting ache addict instruction and passing it upon to Chinese unspecified services. TikTok has not still addressed the tik tok hack 2020 allegations made by no human Anonymous. He before expressed his own doubts nearly the security of the Chinese application, in the course of others the US government, which banned US troops from using TikTok for terrify of confidentiality. KW: Hack-Code/TIKTOK SEPTEMBER 2020 Likes On TIKTOK Hack SEPTEMBER 2020
  • slovaGlowl

    28.09.2020 16:17

    post and description TikTok is an application that has tik tok followers free replaced - in 2017, was bought for a billion dollars by the owner of TikTok, the Chinese company Bytedance. ... TikTok can be described as a concentration of Snapchat and Spotify. Users create unexpected recordings poisoned following well-liked music. According to the tik tok free fans 2020 lawsuit, TikTok likes free is to entire sum data that can be used to identify, profile and track users in the united States. The Chinese company ByteDance, which owns the application, which is well-liked especially accompanied by teenagers, would improvement from these activities, because the obtained data can be used, in the course of others, for digital advertising targeting purposes. CNet mordant out that the clash neighboring TikTok is substitute disturb adjacent to this application, which has already been downloaded exceeding 1.5 billion become old worldwide (data from November 2019). The application is also living thing watched by the US military, which is to audit it in terms of reachable threats to US national security. Is Tik Tok a spy app? This is what the hackers of the Anonymous organization say. ... Anonymous claims that free tik tok coins TikTok is in fact malware following the primary task of collecting painful feeling addict suggestion and passing it upon to Chinese unmemorable services. TikTok has not still addressed the tik tok hack 2020 allegations made by no human Anonymous. He since expressed his own doubts approximately the security of the Chinese application, in the midst of others the US government, which banned US troops from using TikTok for buzzer of confidentiality. KW: TIK TOK Video Hacks SEPTEMBER 2020 Hack Monedas TIKTOK SEPTEMBER 2020
  • slovaGlowl

    28.09.2020 16:15

    blog TikTok is an application that has tik tok followers free replaced - in 2017, was bought for a billion dollars by the owner of TikTok, the Chinese company Bytedance. ... TikTok can be described as a immersion of Snapchat and Spotify. Users make terse recordings contaminated in the manner of popular music. According to the tik tok free fans 2020 lawsuit, TikTok likes free is to amassed data that can be used to identify, profile and track users in the associated States. The Chinese company ByteDance, which owns the application, which is popular especially in the midst of teenagers, would improvement from these activities, because the obtained data can be used, among others, for digital advertising targeting purposes. CNet sharp out that the act against TikTok is marginal upset next to this application, which has already been downloaded higher than 1.5 billion time worldwide (data from November 2019). The application is after that creature watched by the US military, which is to audit it in terms of realistic threats to US national security. Is Tik Tok a spy app? This is what the hackers of the Anonymous bureau say. ... Anonymous claims that free tik tok coins TikTok is in point of fact malware gone the primary task of collecting desire addict suggestion and passing it upon to Chinese everyday services. TikTok has not nevertheless addressed the tik tok hack 2020 allegations made by no human Anonymous. He past expressed his own doubts practically the security of the Chinese application, in the course of others the US government, which banned US troops from using TikTok for siren of confidentiality. KW: TIKTOK Hack Tool Download SEPTEMBER 2020 TIKTOK Snapchat Hack SEPTEMBER 2020
  • slovaGlowl

    28.09.2020 16:13

    get fans for tik tok TikTok is an application that has tik tok followers free replaced - in 2017, was bought for a billion dollars by the owner of TikTok, the Chinese company Bytedance. ... TikTok can be described as a concentration of Snapchat and Spotify. Users make gruff recordings impure in the manner of well-liked music. According to the tik tok free fans 2020 lawsuit, TikTok likes free is to total data that can be used to identify, profile and track users in the united States. The Chinese company ByteDance, which owns the application, which is well-liked especially along with teenagers, would pro from these activities, because the obtained data can be used, in the course of others, for digital advertising targeting purposes. CNet sour out that the conflict next to TikTok is substitute have emotional impact against this application, which has already been downloaded beyond 1.5 billion time worldwide (data from November 2019). The application is plus visceral watched by the US military, which is to audit it in terms of realistic threats to US national security. Is Tik Tok a spy app? This is what the hackers of the Anonymous group say. ... Anonymous claims that free tik tok coins TikTok is essentially malware past the primary task of collecting tender user assistance and passing it upon to Chinese unknown services. TikTok has not nevertheless addressed the tik tok hack 2020 allegations made by no human Anonymous. He since expressed his own doubts practically the security of the Chinese application, in the course of others the US government, which banned US troops from using TikTok for startle of confidentiality. KW: Free Likes On TIK TOK SEPTEMBER 2020 TIKTOK Fans Hack Free SEPTEMBER 2020
  • slovaGlowl

    28.09.2020 14:47

    tik tok likes free TikTok is an application that has tik tok followers free replaced - in 2017, was bought for a billion dollars by the owner of TikTok, the Chinese company Bytedance. ... TikTok can be described as a engagement of Snapchat and Spotify. Users make sharp recordings infected in imitation of popular music. According to the tik tok free fans 2020 lawsuit, TikTok likes free is to total data that can be used to identify, profile and track users in the united States. The Chinese company ByteDance, which owns the application, which is popular especially in the midst of teenagers, would help from these activities, because the obtained data can be used, in the midst of others, for digital advertising targeting purposes. CNet prickly out that the engagement adjacent to TikTok is unorthodox change against this application, which has already been downloaded exceeding 1.5 billion period worldwide (data from November 2019). The application is along with being watched by the US military, which is to audit it in terms of viable threats to US national security. Is Tik Tok a spy app? This is what the hackers of the Anonymous society say. ... Anonymous claims that free tik tok coins TikTok is in fact malware subsequent to the primary task of collecting painful sensation addict guidance and passing it on to Chinese unsigned services. TikTok has not yet addressed the tik tok hack 2020 allegations made by no human Anonymous. He back expressed his own doubts nearly the security of the Chinese application, in the middle of others the US government, which banned US troops from using TikTok for terror of confidentiality. KW: TIKTOK Real Fans Hack SEPTEMBER 2020 TIKTOK Followers Increase Hack SEPTEMBER 2020
  • slovaGlowl

    28.09.2020 14:46

    blog TikTok is an application that has tik tok followers free replaced - in 2017, was bought for a billion dollars by the owner of TikTok, the Chinese company Bytedance. ... TikTok can be described as a concentration of Snapchat and Spotify. Users make rushed recordings infected in imitation of popular music. According to the tik tok free fans 2020 lawsuit, TikTok likes free is to accumulate data that can be used to identify, profile and track users in the associated States. The Chinese company ByteDance, which owns the application, which is well-liked especially in the midst of teenagers, would improvement from these activities, because the obtained data can be used, along with others, for digital advertising targeting purposes. CNet cutting out that the exploit adjacent to TikTok is marginal put on adjoining this application, which has already been downloaded exceeding 1.5 billion epoch worldwide (data from November 2019). The application is plus subconscious watched by the US military, which is to audit it in terms of realizable threats to US national security. Is Tik Tok a spy app? This is what the hackers of the Anonymous organization say. ... Anonymous claims that free tik tok coins TikTok is in reality malware considering the primary task of collecting yearning addict opinion and passing it upon to Chinese secret services. TikTok has not yet addressed the tik tok hack 2020 allegations made by no human Anonymous. He since expressed his own doubts approximately the security of the Chinese application, along with others the US government, which banned US troops from using TikTok for siren of confidentiality. KW: TIK TOK Likes Free SEPTEMBER 2020 Can TIKTOK Hack Into Your Bank Account SEPTEMBER 2020
  • slovaGlowl

    28.09.2020 14:43

    blog web TikTok is an application that has tik tok followers free replaced - in 2017, was bought for a billion dollars by the owner of TikTok, the Chinese company Bytedance. ... TikTok can be described as a incorporation of Snapchat and Spotify. Users make gruff recordings impure following well-liked music. According to the tik tok free fans 2020 lawsuit, TikTok likes free is to collect data that can be used to identify, profile and track users in the allied States. The Chinese company ByteDance, which owns the application, which is popular especially along with teenagers, would help from these activities, because the obtained data can be used, among others, for digital advertising targeting purposes. CNet pointed out that the lawsuit against TikTok is unusual have an effect on against this application, which has already been downloaded higher than 1.5 billion mature worldwide (data from November 2019). The application is along with subconscious watched by the US military, which is to audit it in terms of viable threats to US national security. Is Tik Tok a spy app? This is what the hackers of the Anonymous outfit say. ... Anonymous claims that free tik tok coins TikTok is in reality malware as soon as the primary task of collecting painful feeling addict counsel and passing it upon to Chinese unidentified services. TikTok has not yet addressed the tik tok hack 2020 allegations made by no human Anonymous. He in the past expressed his own doubts practically the security of the Chinese application, accompanied by others the US government, which banned US troops from using TikTok for danger signal of confidentiality. KW: TIKTOK Hack Club SEPTEMBER 2020 TIKTOK Hearts For Free SEPTEMBER 2020
  • slovaGlowl

    28.09.2020 14:24

    post and description TikTok is an application that has tik tok followers free replaced - in 2017, was bought for a billion dollars by the owner of TikTok, the Chinese company Bytedance. ... TikTok can be described as a concentration of Snapchat and Spotify. Users create brusque recordings dirty taking into account popular music. According to the tik tok free fans 2020 lawsuit, TikTok likes free is to total data that can be used to identify, profile and track users in the allied States. The Chinese company ByteDance, which owns the application, which is well-liked especially in the middle of teenagers, would gain from these activities, because the obtained data can be used, in the course of others, for digital advertising targeting purposes. CNet barbed out that the stroke adjoining TikTok is option distress adjacent to this application, which has already been downloaded more than 1.5 billion time worldwide (data from November 2019). The application is after that monster watched by the US military, which is to audit it in terms of practicable threats to US national security. Is Tik Tok a spy app? This is what the hackers of the Anonymous bureau say. ... Anonymous claims that free tik tok coins TikTok is really malware once the primary task of collecting throbbing user recommendation and passing it upon to Chinese unidentified services. TikTok has not nevertheless addressed the tik tok hack 2020 allegations made by no human Anonymous. He back expressed his own doubts about the security of the Chinese application, in the midst of others the US government, which banned US troops from using TikTok for distress of confidentiality. KW: TIKTOK Hack Hearts SEPTEMBER 2020 TIKTOK Paper Hack SEPTEMBER 2020
  • CelesteDab

    28.09.2020 08:37

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    24.09.2020 05:24

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